Diamond Blades
Asphalt, Green Concrete, Asphalt over Concrete, Lightweight block, Standard Concrete Block, Cured Concrete, Pavers and Soft Clay Brick, Concrete Bridge Deck, Stone, Hard brick/ Roof tile or Metals, Plastics, and Fiberglass.
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Commonly asked questions:
- My guys don’t know how to cut properly, why should I give them a good blade when they will probably just destroy it? This is a question we hear a lot. A better quality blade will usually have a heavier steel core and have superior tension. The fact is that a “throw away” blade will fail much easier than a better quality blade. If you guys are destroying blades, give them something that will handle the abuse better. From a safety standpoint, economy blades in the wrong hands can be very dangerous.
- We cut large amounts of both asphalt and concrete. Does a combination blade make sense? In reality, you will have faster cutting and longer life by changing blades with each application. We often hear that it is impossible to get the operators to stop and change blades. If this is your scenario, a combination blade will keep your costs down overall and reduce the chance of damaging a blade due to misapplication.
- Does the height of the segment matter when it comes to the life of the blade? The answer is yes and no. Many low-cost blades offer tall segments to make them look like they will last longer. Usually, you will see a bronze look to the segment. This means they have produced a soft bond surrounding the diamond so that it wears quickly. This is necessary because the diamond is low quality and will not last long while cutting. If you compare a high-quality blade with a 10mm tall segment, and the exact same quality with a 15mm tall segment, size does matter. Don’t get caught in the size game.
- What does the term inch foot mean? Inch foot means one linear foot at 1” depth. If you are cutting ten feet at 4” depth you would have a total of 40-inch feet.
So what truly makes a good diamond blade? In reality, it’s the best combination of cost, quality, speed and life that fits your needs. Take the time to evaluate what works best for you. Hopefully, this might help save you time and money.